
Christmas theme: airbft suspension kit picture

Time:2022-10-26 Edit:AIRBFTsuspension

Christmas theme: airbft suspension kit picture
Airbft will take a group of Christmas themed product pictures for players on Christmas Day 2021. I wish all players a merry Christmas in advance. I hope airbft can bring you a passionate life.

Christmas theme: airbft suspension kit picture

Christmas theme: airbft suspension kit picture

Christmas theme: airbft suspension kit picture

An important Christian festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. It is also called Jesus Christmas, the Nativity Day, and the Catholic Church is also called Jesus Christmas. The date of Jesus’ birth is not recorded in the Bible. In 336 AD, the Roman Church began to celebrate this festival on December 25. December 25 was originally the birthday of the sun god stipulated by the Roman Empire. Some people think that the reason why they choose this day to celebrate Christmas is that Christians believe that Jesus is just and eternal sun. After the middle of the 5th century, Christmas, as an important festival, became the tradition of the church and gradually spread in the Eastern and Western churches. Due to different calendars and other reasons, the specific dates and forms of activities held by different sects are also different. The spread of Christmas customs to Asia was mainly in the middle of the 19th century. Japan and South Korea were all affected by Christmas culture. Nowadays, it has become a common custom in the West to give gifts to each other, hold feasts, and add a festive atmosphere with Santa Claus and Christmas trees. Christmas has also become a public holiday in the western world and many other regions.
Christmas decorations include: Christmas socks, which used to be a pair of large red socks, regardless of size. Because Christmas socks are used to hold gifts, they are children’s favorite things. At night, they will hang their socks beside the bed and wait for the next morning to receive gifts; Christmas hat is a red hat. It is said that in addition to sleeping soundly and warm at night, you will find some gifts from your beloved in the hat the next day; Christmas tree, usually people bring an evergreen plant (such as pine) into the house or put it outdoors before and after Christmas, decorate it with Christmas lights and colorful ornaments, and place an angel or star on the top of the tree. The Christmas tree originated in Germany; Christmas ring, an ornament hung at the door of the home during Christmas in western countries, usually uses green branches and leaves or vines (pine wool, pine needles, etc.), silver metal and gold bells with red ribbons to form the main color, and green, white, yellow and red represent joy and joy. The words MERRY CHRISTMAS or X’mas are also written on it. The Christmas ring first appeared in Finland.
